
Showing posts from January, 2021

COVID-19 Update

 We currently do not have any COVID-19 cases between resident and staff. We still have our Village Center closed and meal deliveries are continuing.  Our residents we able to join in with Lancashire residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine. We had 68 residents get their first vaccine and in three weeks they will receive their second vaccine. If you were not on the list for the first round please call the Business Office to get on the list for the next time they come.  Together we will beat COVID-19. Wear your masks, social distance and stay safe.

COVID-19 Update

Lancashire Terrace remains COVID free between residents and staff. We continue to have our Village Center closed and our residents get there meals delivered to their cottages. We will continue with deliveries until we see COVID numbers start to go down in Lancaster County. Staff continue to stay in touch with residents and offer trivia games, books, puzzles, or any other needs they may have.  All family/friends that visit must wear masks during your time on campus including inside of your families/friends cottage.  cottage.