
Showing posts from August, 2020

COVID-19 Update

 Lancashire Terrace has continued to remain COVID-19 free between resident and staff. We have educated residents and staff on the importance of social distancing and how important wearing a mask helps in the stop of COVID-19.  Our staff take care and make sure they follow all PA, CDC guidelines on and off campus. We are working towards opening our dining room for limited seating and limited hours sometime in September, as long as COVID-19 remains the same in Lancaster. If we see an increase in numbers we will reevaluate at that time.

COVID Update 8.5.2020

We continue to remain COVID free between Wilmac staff and residents. We are working on our reopening plan for our dining room. We have been working to keep our plan as safe as possible. We have regulations we must follow that has limited our seating. Once we are able to open our dining room we will be sending out more information and direction on how to enter and exit the building. We will be taking temps, asking the COVID questions giving by the CDC and applying hand sanitizer to each person that will enter the Village Center. Please continue to follow safe distancing and please wear masks while outside of your cottage and family who are visiting on campus must follow these requirements given by the state of Pennsylvania.