

  Given the substantial spread in Lancaster County, and the updated guidance from the CDC, Lancashire Terrace is updating its mask mandate for all Residents, and their visitors, effective Monday, August 16, 2021. Masking for Residents  Masks will be worn indoors by all individuals regardless of vaccination status 6-feet of social distancing is encouraged Indoor masking includes wearing a mask on the LT bus for travel, and for trips sponsored by Activities We recommend Residents wear a mask indoors while off campus as well as practice frequent hand hygiene Residents with symptoms are encouraged to contact their provider for testing, regardless of vaccination status Vaccinated Residents will be encouraged to pursue getting tested within 3-5 days after known exposure Please call the Business Office if you need more information. 717-569-7033.

Campus Update

 Lancashire Terrace remains COVID free. We have fully opened our dining program and our activities.  We are following CDC mask recommendations. If you are vaccinated you do not need to wear a mask. If you are not vaccinated you will need to wear a mask on campus.  We are providing transportation to grocery stores, medical appointments and outings. We will be holding a Patriotic Parade on June 30th at 6pm. Please call our sales team 717-569-3215 to RSVP to join in the parade. We have ask all families to come and drive in the parade and decorate their vehicles for July 4th. The parade will be lead by Neffsville Fire Department. Please join us in celebrating together and provide entertainment for our community. 

Campus Update

 We have been moving forward with opening up our Village Center with dining services and activities. We have been seeing small amount of residents join us in our dining room but we hope when we are able to open up fully we will have more residents join us for dinner. We are currently still delivering to those that do not want to come up for dinner.  We have expanded our activities calendar and have seen more of the residents join in the fun. We have added more to our May calendar hoping the weather cooperates with the activities we have planned for our patio area.  Resident Council meetings will resume in May. Please look for the day and time on your calendar. This will be held outside weather permitting. We continue with our vaccine clinics and encourage all of you that have not scheduled your vaccine to do so soon. Call our Business office at 717-569-7033 to talk with the Resident Services Director to get on the schedule. We still remain COVID free between residents and...

Campus Update

 I am pleased to say we have reopened our Village Center and have been serving our residents that wanted to venture out and enjoy their meal in the dining room again. Our activities have once again taken off and our residents have been able to enjoy the company of their friends and neighbors. It has been great seeing everyone come to the Village Center. We have missed seeing our residents during this pandemic and we are excited to move forward and get back to our new normal. 


 We have been working towards opening up our Village Center again for dining and activities and yesterday was the day we were able to do so safely. The residents came up for morning exercise with Susie and we had several resident come eat in the dining room for the first time since December. The staff greeted the residents with big smiles and many air hugs. Staff were so excited to be able to have the residents back in the Village Center again as well as the residents happy to be back.  It has been a long hard year and we have come so far and had very little Covid issues on our campus. It has been a learning experience for us all. We continue to learn and grow from this pandemic and I want to thank all staff and residents for pulling together and keeping our campus safe and thriving during it all. We have been very blessed here on campus and we continue to move in the right direction for getting back to some kind of normalcy. We may never get back to what once was but we are s...

COVID-19 Update

 We currently do not have any COVID-19 cases between resident and staff. We still have our Village Center closed and meal deliveries are continuing.  Our residents we able to join in with Lancashire residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine. We had 68 residents get their first vaccine and in three weeks they will receive their second vaccine. If you were not on the list for the first round please call the Business Office to get on the list for the next time they come.  Together we will beat COVID-19. Wear your masks, social distance and stay safe.

COVID-19 Update

Lancashire Terrace remains COVID free between residents and staff. We continue to have our Village Center closed and our residents get there meals delivered to their cottages. We will continue with deliveries until we see COVID numbers start to go down in Lancaster County. Staff continue to stay in touch with residents and offer trivia games, books, puzzles, or any other needs they may have.  All family/friends that visit must wear masks during your time on campus including inside of your families/friends cottage.  cottage.